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Firewalls Torn Apart

Category: Access_Control, Firewall

Title: Firewalls Torn Apart

Description: (version 1.0) - shows you what firewalls are and their weaknesses, includes some information about the TCP/IP stack.

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Guide to Social Engineering

Category: Access_Control, Social Engineering

Title: Guide to Social Engineering

Description: An outside hacker's use of psychological tricks on legitimate users of a computer system, in order to gain the information he needs to gain access to the system.

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Social Engineering and Email account cracking

Category: Access_Control, Social Engineering

Title: Social Engineering and Email account cracking

Description: By assassin007 -Social engineering is an art of science that makes use of some psychological tricks on users to get the information you want. Looks very simple but it requires patience, approach towards the target, should be quick to respond and many moreα In this article we will discuss some of the possibilities of social engineering to crack email accounts and some ways to overcome such attacks.

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Network Firewall Security

Category: Access_Control, Firewall

Title: Network Firewall Security

Description: By General Newbie - Hey im back with a new tutorial to help those new upcoming security experts tackle yet another dilemma. Let me start out by telling you what exactly this tutorial is going to teach you and hopefully explain. This tutorial is for those unfortunate users that have to suffer from network safeguards. Ok now then let╞s ask ourselves why are safeguards put into place? The obvious would be to protect you and the company. But my philosophy is that they can go too far, and by going to far they have crossed the last straw. Now then one must take the necessary steps in order to make your environment less hostile. My proposal is to teach you how to overcome all odds and defeat those safeguards. Now then what I will be describing is from actual circumstances that I was limited to from use of a network at school.

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Hijacking Hotmail Accounts For Newbies

Category: Access_Control, Social Engineering

Title: Hijacking Hotmail Accounts For Newbies

Description: I've found two simple and easy ways to hijack a Hotmail account lately, so If you are a newbie, this is for you. - By Namnaz

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